Friday, February 6, 2015

Troubleshooting schedules after SSRS migration

You might come across situations where you can't create new schedules from your report manager.

Common symptoms are when you create new schedules it goes to an error page.

In order to trouble shoot, launch the report manager web page via your SSRS box. It throws the acutal error message.

One of the Common messages is listed below.

Reporting Services error: “RSInternalError: Invalid object name 'ReportServerTempDB.dbo.PersistedStream'."

Check the references to specified database in the error messages. If the report server does not have the database mentioned in the error message it is still refering to databases prior to migration.

In other words check if any of the stored procedures or triggers are reffering to a non-existant database. 

Alter the triggers and storedprocedures to match with the new report server temp database.
Your should be able to sucessfully create schedules then.


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